Exercise for Your Feet
Whether your feet are over-worked or under-worked, chances are they could benefit from some special attention. Even those who exercise regularly probably do not spend any time strengthening their feet....
View ArticleTarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which there is a compression of the posterior tibial nerve. The posterior tibial nerve runs along the inside of the ankle into the foot. Tarsal tunnel syndrome...
View ArticleIngrown Toenail Care
An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows sideways into the nail bed, causing pain and swelling. Ingrown toenails can worsen and cause drainage, turning into a serious infection. Several factors...
View ArticleHow to Care for Diabetic Foot
Millions of people are affected by diabetes each year. Diabetes damages blood vessels in all parts of the body, especially the feet. The legs and feet may develop slow blood flow, which causes...
View ArticlePlantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a connective tissue in the heel that stretches across the bottom length of your foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the connective tissue becomes inflamed, causing heel pain and...
View ArticleFoot Orthotics
Orthotics are shoe inserts that are meant to correct an irregular walking gait or provide cushioning to the feet. Orthotics come in a variety of different models and sizes, including over-the-counter...
View ArticlePlantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is the thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. When this band of connective tissue becomes...
View ArticleSesamoiditis
Sesamoiditis is a condition in which the sesamoid bones in the forefoot become inflamed from physical activity. Sesamoid bones are bones that are not connected to other bones but are located in tendons...
View ArticleSever's Disease
Sever's disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is a medical condition that causes heel pain in children’s feet while they’re growing. Sever's disease occurs most commonly in boys and girls...
View ArticleBunions
A bunion is a bump that forms at the base of the big toe. Bunions form when the big toe pushes against the next toe, which forces the big toe joint to get bigger and stick out. As a result, the skin...
View ArticleHyperhidrosis of the Feet
Each foot, on average, has about 250,000 eccrine sweat glands that produce half a pint of sweat each day. Sweating is a natural and important bodily function. It regulates the body’s temperature by...
View ArticleSolutions for Cracked Heels
Cracked heels can make life very frustrating and embarrassing when displaying the bare feet. Aside from being unpleasing to the eye, they can also tear stockings and socks and wear out shoes at a...
View ArticleIngrown Toenail Care
An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows sideways into the nail bed, causing pain and swelling. Ingrown toenails can worsen and cause drainage, turning into a serious infection. Several factors...
View ArticleHeel Spurs
Heel spurs are the result of calcium deposits that cause bony protrusions on the underside of the heel. Heel spurs are usually painless, but they have the potential to cause heel pain. Heel spurs tend...
View ArticleEveryday Foot Care
Our feet are arguably one of the most important parts of the body. When it comes to health and beauty routines, the feet and toenails are usually ignored. You should always practice proper footcare to...
View ArticleEvery Day Foot Care
Our feet are important in our everyday lives. The problem is that we tend to neglect them. When this becomes a habit, it can cause significant trouble. Ignoring foot problems can mean pain, limited...
View ArticleDiabetic Foot Conditions
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetes is a condition that affects approximately 23.6 million Americans. Around 750,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, and the disease’s...
View ArticleFoot Pain
The feet, being the foundation of the body, carry all of the body’s weight and are therefore prone to experiencing pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is important to determine...
View ArticleMLS Laser Therapy
MLS Laser Therapy MLS Laser Therapy is an FDA-approved technology designed to treat various painful conditions. It is often sought out as a successful alternative to surgical treatment and...
View ArticleGeriatrics and Podiatry
Bone density loss, dry skin, poor circulation, and rough and brittle nails are some of the common problems that can occur as people age. The effect that these problems has on foot health should be of...
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